Mutual Funds Weekly: These money and investing tips can help you surf the bear market’s killer waves

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How to get a guaranteed return of 1.3% per year above inflation

After a long period of trading with negative yields, TIPS’ yields are now positive Read More

This ‘single greatest predictor of future stock-market returns’ has fallen sharply — and that’s a bullish sign

One caution: Monthly review of valuation indicators don’t yet point to a new bull market in stocks. Read More

If you’re selling stocks because the Fed is hiking interest rates, you may be suffering from ‘inflation illusion’

Forget everything you think you know about the relationship between interest rates and the stock market. Read More

Josh Brown: ‘I don’t care what the NBER says … if people don’t get fired, then it’s not a recession’

Brown, ‘Compound & Friends’ cohost and CEO of Ritholtz Wealth Management, also said, ‘If you’re worried about housing, you’re worried about the right thing.’ Read More

This ETF manager’s tactical models are ‘as bearish as they could possibly be’

This week’s ETF Wrap spotlights how two ETFs are tactically positioned as they outperform a U.S. stock market grappling with a “dangerous” mix of high inflation and rising interest rates. Read More

Tesla, Take-Two and Exxon are among the exceptions to this big problem for stock prices

Investors love to see steady increases in sales and profit estimates, but these have been declining for most sectors. Read More

September’s SAD tale: Seasonal Affective Disorder could explain why stocks are being hit hard this month

End of summer strongly influences buyers’ moods . Read More

Stock buyers are still too bullish for the bear market to end

Expect U.S. stock prices to fall below the June 2022 market low. Here’s why. Read More

The S&P 500 is oversold, but dangerous

Also, a ‘sell’ signal for the VIX, and how to identify its next ‘buy’ signal. Read More

If the market passes this upcoming test, stocks will be poised to move higher. We’re not there yet.

Investors still have too much confidence that the bear market is almost over. Read More

$8-a-gallon gas? Brace for higher oil prices as Russia escalates Ukraine conflict, says RBC energy guru.

Any U.S. consumers who think $5-a-gallon gasoline is a thing of the past might want to listen to what Helima Croft has to say. Read More

4 reasons you should buy energy stocks right now if you are a long-term investor

The energy sector of the S&P 500 combines low prices with lofty dividend yields supported by high free cash flow. Read More

Carl Icahn to investors: ‘The worst is yet to come’

The billionaire investor also has some suggestions for where people should invest now. Read More

Ray Dalio says stocks, bonds have further to fall, sees U.S. recession arriving in 2023 or 2024

Bridgewater Associates founder Ray Dalio shared a warning for anybody still hanging on to the hope that beaten-down asset prices might soon bounce back. Read More

Companies should ‘leave politics to the politicians’: Ramaswamy slams ESG investing

Vivek Ramaswamy says asset-management firms should focus on what their investors are paying them to do: make money. Read More

ESG investing industry is likely to become less transparent as regulators crack down over ‘greenwashing’

‘There’s less of a benefit to sticking your head out and showing what you’re doing.’ Read More