Personal Finance Daily: Has the student loan pause done any good and leasing a car vs. buying a car — what should you do?

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Hi, MarketWatchers. Don’t miss these top stories.

Financial Face-off: leasing a car vs. buying a car — what should you do?

The key questions to ask yourself before deciding whether to lease or buy a car. Read More

‘My stepmother is crying poor, and selling everything of value. She’s cut off all communication’: My father died without a will and I am his only child. What now?

‘I found out that when my father bought his house he and my stepmother were only “tenants in common” and she only had a 13% interest in the house.’ Read More

Here’s how much a 40-year mortgage would save you each month vs. a 30-year loan. And the ultimate cost.

When making a home-financing decision, you should consider the length of the loan carefully — the decision may have tremendous consequences. Read More

It’s an SUV. It’s a Corolla. It’s both: The 2022 Toyota Corolla Cross is a new variant of the popular sedan.

The Corolla Cross has the extra ride height and added cargo capacity of an SUV, with the platform and powertrain found in the world’s best selling car. Read More

Has the student loan pause done any good?

Two years of pandemic pause to student loan payments allowed many borrowers to shore up their finances, but it’s unclear how long the stability will last. Read More

This is when you can hope for new car prices to start going down

If you buy a car now, you may have to do without some advertised features. Read More

Ex-finance chief ordered to return $4.7 million she stole from children’s charity to buy fleet of planes, houses and a Corvette

Ruth Marie Phillips was sentenced to seven years for steering money from a West Virginia charity into her pockets and aviation business. Read More

Real Estate of the Theranos Scandal: Here’s Where Elizabeth Holmes Calls Home

It’s a fascinating time for those who have been following the rise and fall of Theranos, a now-discredited blood-testing startup founded by Elizabeth Holmes. Read More

Chautauqua is the hidden New York vacation town you’ve never heard of

Never heard of Chautauqua? You’re not alone. Read More

Employers are hiring again — but which ones are paying wages that keep up with inflation, and which aren’t?

‘Without sustained rapid wage growth, an inflation spike can’t become a spiral,’ one observer said Read More