In One Chart: Who is Europe rooting for in the 2020 election? It’s not even remotely close

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If President Trump is frustrated with the polls in the United States, he should take a look at the results from our friends across the pond.

Turns out the vast majority of people polled in a YouGov survey of citizens in the U.K, Germany, France, Denmark, Sweden, Spain and Italy want Joe Biden to beat Trump next month.

As you can see in the chart, Denmark is the least Trump-friendly with 80% pulling for Biden. But even in Italy, where Trump is seen most favorably, he’s getting hammered by nearly three to one.

When asked how Trump has been as a president and how they think Democrat challenger and former Vice President Biden would be, should he take the White House, here’s how they responded:

So, Trump was mostly rated “terrible” and Biden “average” to “don’t know.” Not exactly a ringing endorsement for either candidates.

The results are in line with another survey back in the summer from the European Council on Foreign Relations which showed there was an increasingly negative perception of the U.S.

“In a frightening world, one looks around for friends. But Europeans are uncertain who they can rely on,” the authors of the study said in comments cited by CNBC. “Europeans have digested the fact that the U.S. is no longer necessarily a friend for Europe in times of need.”

YouGov surveyed 9,136 people between Sept. 15 and Oct. 4 with a margin of error of 3%.