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Happy Friday MarketWatchers. Don’t miss these top stories:
CDC finally issues social-distancing guidelines as states press forward with reopening plans
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Friday issued a set of social-distancing guidelines for Americans as states and cities begin to reopen their economies.
‘At the most elite institutions, college can basically be a finishing school:’ Coronavirus casts light on the value of higher education
After universities moved online in the spring, the question of what college tuition actually buys took on new resonance.
2020 looks like an unprofitable year for rental properties. How to handle the taxes
If your rental property throws off tax losses, things can get complicated.
Did quarantining hasten the end of your marriage? If so, avoid these tax pitfalls
Getting divorced can be a major financial transaction with major tax consequences.
Millions of African Americans and Native Americans were uninsured as pandemic hit: ‘Having COVID-19 is scary enough’
‘The pandemic is laying bare the lethal inequality of American society and American health care.’
Adults with severe mental illness account for 1 in 4 people killed in police encounters
Amid calls to defund police, mental-health advocates call for rethink of public safety.
Should I tell my sister that her husband, a notorious spender, has a secret credit card?
‘My niece told me that her dad, my brother-in-law, has a secret credit card that my sister doesn’t know about.’
3 ways the tax code ‘amplifies’ the black-white wealth gap
Many black taxpayers aren’t in a financial position to access the tax code’s ‘special aspects.’
‘Higher education essentially preserves intergenerational racial and class inequality’: How coronavirus could make it worse
With colleges squeezed for revenue, persistent problems are likely to continue.
‘Disneyland reopening schedule looks like the unsafest thing ever’: Thousands sign petition asking to delay July opening
Guests will be required to make reservations in advance, and they’ll have temperature screenings before entering the parks.
Elsewhere on MarketWatch
Fed’s Barkin says best stimulus plan would be common standards so consumers feel safe to shop
The best stimulus plan for the economy would be common standards so consumers feel safe to shop and go to restaurants, said Richmond Fed President Thomas Barkin on Friday.
Queen Elizabeth II joins the rest of the world on ‘Zoom’ for her first public outing online, showing support for U.K.’s COVID carers
The 94-year-old head of state joins the rest of the world using videconference platforms which have seen rapid user growth due to travel bans and people working from home.
Coronavirus-induced recession is putting downward pressure on wages, Fed says
Anecdotal evidence suggests that the recession is putting downward pressure on wages, the Federal Reserve said Friday.
Oddsmakers say Joe Biden is the favorite over Donald Trump in the 2020 election
Joe Biden currently has a 52.6% chance of winning, while Trump has a 40.5% chance.
Don’t give up on low-volatility stock strategies just yet, despite their poor recent performance
Over the long term, this approach handily beats the S&P 500, with much lower volatility.