Personal Finance Daily: Black Americans face an unequal housing market and nearly 25% of Americans have no emergency savings

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Hi there, MarketWatchers. Don’t miss these top stories:

Personal Finance
‘We are saving every penny we can’: What life could look like for this 66-year-old man when he loses all his unemployment benefits next month

The extra $600 week provided under the CARES Act has been ‘a godsend’ to Ray Maslyk, who has been out of work for almost two months.

How do my wife and I divide college savings between our two sons — we’re questioning whether our method is fair

‘Questions of fairness present many parents with a conundrum. Do you save equally for each child’s college education, or do you save more for one child than the other?’

‘No matter how well you speak, or how educated you are, my blackness will always define me.’ Black graduates on racism in America

‘This is a stressful situation for a lot of people that look like me.’

Nearly 25% of Americans have no emergency savings: Lost income due to coronavirus is piling on even more debt

There’s growing concern among many people that the economy won’t restart in time to save them from paying the rent, their mortgage or going hungry.

Millions of people of color have NO access to affordable health care or quality education — and 2 million Americans lack running water

The causes of social unrest go much deeper than the most recent police brutality.

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‘My wife is on permanent disability and she receives a Social Security payment monthly for them. Were we supposed to get this money?’

Financing college by signing income-sharing agreements sounds tempting — but consumer advocates raise red flags

A prominent maker of income-share agreements is using deceptive practices to market its product, two groups allege.

Black Americans are twice as likely to die from COVID-19 in America

75% of frontline workers in New York are people of color.

‘The housing emergency most harms people of color:’ Black Americans face an unequal housing market — and coronavirus could make it worse

‘Without focused action, the pending tsunami of evictions and homelessness will disproportionately affect Black and brown people.’

‘My mother claimed me as a dependent in 2019, but I was not aware of this.’ What can I do to claim my $1,200 stimulus check?

‘I have a 2018 and 2019 annual gross income of zero.’

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New jobless claims are forecast to rise by 1.8 million, but pay attention to this number instead

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Twitter warns the president, but it suspends a guy copying his tweets.

Lower-income Americans threw the economy a lifeline during the pandemic

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