NewsWatch: Trump says he’s having a ‘very hard time’ with China and is undecided about trade deal

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President Donald Trump on Friday said he’s having “a very hard time with China” and hasn’t decided how to handle the trade relationship, following a call between top trade representatives of the two nations. See full story.

Melinda Gates grades the Trump administration’s coronavirus response — and it’s a pretty low score

‘We need leadership at the national level,’ she says. See full story.

Coronavirus costs the U.S. 20.5 million jobs in April as unemployment soars to 14.7%

The coronavirus pandemic destroyed 20.5 million jobs in April, driving the unemployment rate to a post Word War Two high of 14.7% as the United States faced its biggest economic crisis in almost a century. See full story.

The economy can’t really come back until consumers feel safe

Short of a vaccine, Americans won’t be eager to board an airplane, sit in a crowded theatre or pack into a sports stadium. See full story.

Some traders bet the Fed will push interest rates negative next year

Despite the protestations of the Federal Reserve, some traders are now pricing in expectations that policy makers will push rates into subzero territory. See full story.


Also, a new coronavirus recovery tracking tool, a small-business success and the case for investing in gold. See full story.