The Margin: ‘The virus brought something … beautiful’: Clear water flows through Venice amid coronavirus lockdown

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Silver linings are rare these days, but images of clear water flowing through the storied canals of Venice, Italy, seems to be lifting the spirits of a country reeling from the coronavirus pandemic.

Messages of hope and appreciation for the long-clouded beauty of the city’s waterways were exchanged in the “Clean Venice” Facebook FB, -5.47% group.

“The virus brought something … beautiful,” writes resident Katia Fameli. “We should restore the natural balance and not just think about exploiting to monetize,” says Adriana Manente. “Nature is telling us to slow down,” according to Sandra Comin.

Here are some of the pictures and videos that made their way across social media:

The Venice mayor’s office pointed out that water quality in the Veneto regional capital, despite the celebration in recent days, hasn’t actually improved. “The water now looks clearer because there is less traffic on the canals, allowing the sediment to stay at the bottom. It’s because there is less boat traffic [which] usually brings sediment to the top of the water’s surface,” a mayoral spokesman told CNN, adding that air quality, however, has improved.

Meanwhile, the broader country continues to battle the COVID-19 outbreak. Italy had 35,713 cases and 2,978 deaths, as of midday Wednesday, according to Johns Hopkins University. Worldwide, there are now 212,616 diagnosed cases of COVID-19 and 8,727 deaths.