Nvidia may shine again when it reports on Wednesday

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Shares of Nvidia Corp. have been on another tear. The stock is up 47% this year (after more than tripling during 2023) and this week overtook Alphabet Inc. to become the third-largest company in the S&P 500 by market capitalization.


will announce quarterly results next week, and once again the year-over-year comparisons will be astounding because the company continues to dominate the market for graphics processing units (GPU). This was pretty much a new market last year as data centers scrambled to deploy GPUs and related hardware to support their corporate customer’s build-out of artificial-intelligence technology.

Nvidia has an odd fiscal year — Wednesday’s report will be for the fourth quarter of its fiscal 2024, which ended Jan. 29. Since the year-over-year comparison of quarterly results will be so extreme, here’s a look at the past four fiscal quarters’ results, along with consensus estimates among analysts polled by FactSet for the quarter to be reported Wednesday. Sales figures are in millions.

Estimate for quarter ended 1/29/2024

Quarter ended 10/29/2023

Quarter ended 07/30/2023

Quarter ended 04/30/2023

Quarter ended 01/29/2023







Change from year-earlier quarter






Change from previous quarter






Earnings per share






Change from year-earlier quarter






Change from previous quarter






Source: FactSet

Nvidia’s quarterly sales perked up during the quarter ending April 30, and accelerated from there. For the quarter to be reported next week, the year-over-year sales growth again should be incredibly high. But analysts are expecting the sequential quarterly sales growth to slow to 12% from 34% the previous quarter.

Read: Nvidia is expected to be the best performer in the S&P 500 through 2025, by this measure

Ken Laudan, the portfolio manager of the Buffalo Large Cap Fund BUFEX BUIEX said during an interview with MarketWatch on Thursday that the analysts’ estimates were conservative, because even “hyperscalers” among datacenter operators have been “buying whatever GPUs they can get.”

He expects 2024 to be another year in which the “AI enablers,” or companies making GPUs and related equipment such as Nvidia and Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co.
and cloud services providers (Microsoft Corp.
Amazon.com Inc.

and Alphabet

) will continue to dominate AI-related investing.

Laudan expects the focus of the AI build-out to shift to “AI adapters” in 2025 or later. He described this group as “software-centric companies that sell an AI large-language model on top of their enterprise or vertical software stack to their clients.” These might include companies such as Adobe Inc.
ServiceNow Inc.
Salesforce.com Inc.
MongoDB Inc.

and Snowflake Inc.
he said.

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A warning: Bullish bets on Nvidia, other ‘Magnificent Seven’ members near their most crowded levels in the past year

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Lyft’s (corrected) numbers look good — and Uber makes a big move

Shares of Lyft and Uber have both soared this year, through Thursday.

Getty Images

On Tuesday, Lyft Inc.

reported its fourth-quarter results, which included a typographical error in the company’s outlook for 2024. An initial aftermarket rally sent the shares up as much as 60%, but that gain was trimmed when Lyft issued a correction.

But Lyft’s shares still rose 35% on Wednesday, before rising another 16% on Thursday. The stock was up 27% for 2024 through Thursday, but it has been quite a ride, as you can see in this year-to-date chart for the stock’s return and that of its rival, Uber Technologies Inc.



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Uber also made a splash this week, announcing a $7 billion share buyback program — the company’s first move to lower its share count.

More: Uber ‘just started to flex its platform muscle’: Can other gig-economy players keep up?

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The Nova-C lander, built by Intuitive Machines Inc.

Intuitive Machines, NASA

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