Headspace Health CEO Russell Glass shares his exercise and sleep habits for staying well

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Today’s CEOs are facing innumerable challenges: a global pandemic and a sea change in how and where employees want to show up for work, just to name a few. For leaders, the pressure has never been higher. How do they mitigate it? In our new series, we ask executives about their day-to-day wellness habits to gain insight into the tactics they use to minimize stress and maintain their well-being.

Russell Glass is CEO at Headspace Health, where he leads the company with his experience as a technology entrepreneur and a passion for digital mental health, strategy, and building great cultures. Most recently Glass was CEO of Ginger, which merged with Headspace in 2021 to create Headspace Health. Prior to Ginger, Glass led products for the marketing solutions group at LinkedIn. He is coauthor of The Big Data–Driven Business, a guide on how big data can lead to better decision-making.

Coffee or tea? And what do you put in it?  
I only drink coffee in the morning, and I take it black.

What is your go-to breakfast? 
I don’t usually eat breakfast.

Tell us about your workout routine.
At least an hour of walking a day.

How many hours do you sleep on a typical night?
Seven, minimum!

How do you de-stress?
Meditation—my favorite is the warm sunlight visualization. ​​[This is a visualization technique used frequently in meditations in the Headspace app that involves imagining a steady stream of sunshine flowing down into the body, which is meant to bring a sense of warmth and ease.] 

According to your phone, what’s your daily average screen time from last week?
Wow, good question: Six hours, 39 minutes! [grimacing emoji face]

What app do you use the most?
It shouldn’t come as a surprise that I use Headspace most days! Other than that, mostly productivity apps like LinkedIn, email, etc.

When’s the last time you took a day off? What did you do?
My wife and I recently celebrated our 15th anniversary, so I took a day off for a long weekend down at the Post Ranch Inn in Big Sur, an incredible place for a couples getaway.

What’s one thing your company is doing to prioritize employee wellness?
Our corporate team takes MIND Days—days off to focus on self-care—every other Friday, and our clinical team works only four consecutive days with three full days off in a row to rest and recharge each week.

What’s your favorite treat?
The chocolate chip cookie is hard to beat!

Show us a photo of your happy place.

Headspace Health CEO Russell Glass with family.

Courtesy of Headspace Health