Personal Finance Daily: The housing market is so hot, a burnt-out Bay Area home has cash bids above $850,000 and mortgage rates rise for first time in a over a month — as key economic reports shift the market’s outlook

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Happy Thursday MarketWatchers. Don’t miss these top stories.

People of color make up growing shares of drug overdose deaths in U.S. — here’s why

U.S. drug-overdose deaths grew by almost 30% last year to more than 93,000, according to preliminary data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Read More

My mother passed her condo onto me through a quitclaim process before she died. Do I owe any taxes on it?

‘I was told by my income tax preparer that she should have paid some kind of a tax. But she never filed income taxes for years as she was not required to because of her low income.’ Read More

The housing market is so hot, a burnt-out Bay Area home is drawing cash bids above $850,000

The listing warns that it’s ‘more than a fixer,’ but a sale is still pending after just six days on the market Read More

Leo Messi will receive part his pay in cryptocurrency. Should you do the same?

Part of Messi’s deal with Paris Saint-Germain is a ‘large number’ of fan tokens for the French club. Read More

Gloria Estefan’s Star Island Mansion Finally Sells for $35M

One of the Star Island, FL, properties owned by the singer Gloria Estefan and her husband, Emilio Estefan, has finally sold, according to the South Florida Business Journal. After bouncing on and off the market for six years, the waterfront home off Miami Beach closed for a whopping $35 million. Read More

‘Down on his luck’ artist pleads guilty to selling over $1 million in forged paintings

Prosecutors say Jason Harrington specialized in forgeries of works by Richard Hambleton and Barkley Hendricks. Read More

Mortgage rates rise for first time in a over a month — as key economic reports shift the market’s outlook

Home buyers don’t need to fret just yet about rising rates eating into housing affordability, economists say. Read More

I’ve been married to a serial cheater for 27 years. Does my estranged husband have a claim to my 4 properties?

‘Three of the properties are solely in my name and one has both our names on it.’
Read More

Used car prices finally cooling after months of record surges — why deals will still be hard to come by

Used car prices barely went up last month, rising just 0.2%, per the latest Consumer Price Index report. Read More