Mutual Funds Weekly: These money and investing tips can hold your portfolio together if the stock market cracks

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Why it’ll take more than easy money from the Fed to keep sparking this bull market in stocks

Much depends on investors’ appetite for taking risk.
Why it’ll take more than easy money from the Fed to keep sparking this bull market in stocks

High-momentum stocks have been losing steam and this could be signaling a market top

Change in leadership shows up weeks before the market makes a turn.
High-momentum stocks have been losing steam and this could be signaling a market top

Stock market valuations have been high for over 20 years — and may never fall again

Stock market valuations tripled in the 1990s, when there was a shift to a “winner-take-all” economy that benefited large, publicly traded companies.
Stock market valuations have been high for over 20 years — and may never fall again

The psychology of a stock market bubble

Believe it or not, worry about a bubble is widespread at the top of a bubble
The psychology of a stock market bubble

Warren Buffett could teach traders in dogecoin, GameStop and other hot trends a few things about ‘Mr. Market’

Be skeptical of fads, fashions and trends and operate within your circle of competence.
Warren Buffett could teach traders in dogecoin, GameStop and other hot trends a few things about ‘Mr. Market’

A capital gains tax hike might sink stocks. Here’s how financial advisers and their clients can stay a step ahead

Higher taxes for the ultra-wealthy when they sell stocks would have a ripple effect on all investors.
A capital gains tax hike might sink stocks. Here’s how financial advisers and their clients can stay a step ahead

Bernie Madoff’s scam was hard to spot but this red flag was — and still is — a clue

Look for inconsistencies between reported returns and what a fund’s strategy should realistically produce.
Bernie Madoff’s scam was hard to spot but this red flag was — and still is — a clue

How the pandemic changed investing habits for different generations

The economic toll of the COVID-19 pandemic has changed consumer’s strategies for spending, savings, and investing. Here’s what to know.
How the pandemic changed investing habits for different generations

Beware of market bubbles

Barry Bannister, Stifel’s chief equity strategist, delivers a macro warning for investors. Plus, Invesco’s Alessio de Longis makes the case for value stocks.
Beware of market bubbles