Personal Finance Daily: CDC director warns America is in for the ‘worst fall…we’ve ever had’ and will mortgage rates finally drop to 0%

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Hi, MarketWatchers. Don’t miss these top stories:

Personal Finance
CDC director warns America is in for the ‘worst fall…we’ve ever had’

The coronavirus isn’t the only public health crisis looming this autumn

‘Cultural change must still happen inside offices’: What Kamala Harris as VP nominee means for the glass ceiling — and the gender pay gap

White women account for 30% of entry level jobs and women of color account for 18% of entry-level jobs, according to one 2019 survey.

THE BIG MOVE: I work in Silicon Valley, but my job is now remote. I can finally live somewhere cheaper. Where should I go?

The coronavirus pandemic has caused many Americans to move in search of bigger, more affordable homes.

‘I was in so much fear that I started running’: Asian Americans must grapple with racism — as well as the coronavirus pandemic

‘We have a huge percentage of Asian Americans in the hospitals helping to save people from COVID-19 right now. At the same time, we have been targeted just because of how we look.’

Does sunshine kill coronavirus? Was it made in a lab? Will antibiotics help? Burning questions about COVID-19 that refuse to go away

Six months into the coronavirus pandemic, some people are on edge, while others are just plain confused.

When are people with COVID-19 at their most contagious?

The actual number of coronavirus cases worldwide is likely far higher than 20 million due to asymptomatic carriers, scientists say.

The extra $600 in weekly unemployment benefits expired — but gig workers and self-employed Americans still qualify for benefits

Self-employed and gig workers can collect state-level unemployment benefits through the end of the year under the CARES Act.

Mortgage rates keep falling — will they finally drop to 0%?

Outside the U.S., lenders have even offered mortgages with negative interest rates.

Elsewhere on MarketWatch
Pelosi says sides remain ‘miles apart’ on stimulus bargaining

House Speaker keeps to demand for larger bill, repeats call at least $1 trillion more than Republicans have offered, as stalled coronavirus-aid talks appear likely to remain deadlocked for a while.

Did the expired $600 federal jobless benefit keep people from going back to work? Sudden drop in claims adds fuel to debate

Did generous unemployment benefits discourage many workers from returning to their jobs? A big drop in people seeking benefits in the past two weeks after the end of a $600 federal stipend hints the answer might be yes.

Biden calls for national mask mandate, saying it would save 40,000 lives over 3 months

Joe Biden on Thursday calls for a national mask mandate to limit the spread of COVID-19, stepping up his rhetoric on the issue after criticizing President Donald Trump’s stance earlier this summer.

The stock market hasn’t seen a 100-day gain this strong since 1933

It’s been 100 trading days since the S&P 500 logged its pandemic panic bottom on March 23 — it’s on track for its biggest 100-trading-day jump since 1933.