NewsWatch: The next stage of the COVID-19 recovery is here. This is how investors prepare, says UBS.

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Questions surround Monday’s rally, as Tuesday isn’t showing big signs of a follow-up. But our call of the day from UBS says if we are headed to a brighter stage of the outbreak, then investors need to get ready. See full story.

Two-thirds of fund managers say stocks are still in a bear market

Fund managers are dubious about the current stock-market rally, according to a survey released on Tuesday. See full story.

‘This will kill you’: Many express alarm after Trump says he’s taking hydroxychloroquine

President Donald Trump stunned many Monday by saying he’s been taking the anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine to prevent COVID-19, even though there’s no scientific evidence that it treats the coronavirus, much less prevents it. See full story.

Moderna’s stock closes at record high after ‘compelling’ early data for its coronavirus vaccine candidate

The people who were given Moderna Inc.’s coronavirus vaccine candidate in a Phase 1 clinical trial developed neutralizing antibodies, a promising finding that has propelled the vaccine into the next phase of clinical testing. See full story.

This contact tracing app could become the model to save the world from the spread of coronavirus

In the first step toward a national rollout, 55,000 Brits on the Isle of Wight have downloaded an app to track their every contact in the hope it could help control the spread of the virus. See full story.


We’ll work less and watch more TV. See full story.