NewsWatch: Everything you know about growth and value stocks is about to flip

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Skilled active investment managers now have a huge opportunity to add value, writes Mark Hulbert. See full story.

Uber loses nearly $3 billion in three months, but stock rebounds after hours

Uber Technologies Inc. announced a quarterly loss of nearly $3 billion Thursday afternoon, including a write-down of more than $2 billion related to its investments in Asian partners, as the ride-hailing industry suffers from the COVID-19 pandemic. See full story.

‘It’s devastating’ — Jobs number will be bad, but the reality is actually much worse, warns the Fed’s Neel Kashkari

Minneapolis Federal Reserve Bank President Neel Kashkari shared his thoughts on reopening of the U.S. economy on NBC’s Today Show in an interview ahead of Friday’s monthly employment report. See full story.

Infectious disease doctors ask government to explain how it decides who gets Gilead’s remdesivir

Within a week of the Food and Drug Administration authorization of remdesivir as a COVID-19 treatment, clinicians are pushing the Trump administration to clarify how it is selecting which hospitals get access to the drug. See full story.

Here’s what gold does when the U.S. government goes on a borrowing binge

With the U.S. government ramping up borrowing, history says gold prices should benefit, notes a prominent Wall Street analyst. See full story.


Tips on navigating life, work and commerce without a coronavirus vaccine. See full story.