NewsWatch: ‘Sell in May and go away’ is a warning to stock investors now more than ever

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Dow’s weakness since last Halloween is a bad omen for the next six months, writes Mark Hulbert. See full story.

‘My son got a $1,200 stimulus payment he wasn’t entitled to. Is there any way to take back my 2019 IRS return?’ Answers to your stimulus check questions (Part 1)

Tax Guy answers reader questions about the $1,200 payments many Americans will receive under the CARES Act. See full story.

Thanks to COVID-19, Social Security’s day of reckoning may be even closer than we thought

A lot less money is coming in, and pretty soon, more will be going out See full story.

Gilead drug produced ‘rapid’ recovery in coronavirus patients, report says

University of Chicago Medicine researchers said they saw “rapid recoveries” in 125 COVID-19 patients taking Gilead Sciences Inc.’s experimental drug remdesivir as part of a clinical trial, according to Stat News. See full story.

Age is best explainer of coronavirus infection differences between countries but there is another surprising factor

Scan the list of the countries hit by coronavirus and one thing stands out — how few emerging markets there are. One analyst examines why. See full story.


What does the scientific evidence say? Will they really protect you from coronavirus? See full story.