NewsWatch: After Trashy Tuesday and a Senate deal, even the bond king Jeffrey Gundlach says stocks have upside

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After the Senate reached agreement on a $2 trillion stimulus bill, even the bond king, DoubleLine CEO Jeffrey Gundlach, seemed to accept U.S. stocks have plenty of upside. See full story.

Lawmakers and White House agree to $2 trillion coronavirus stimulus bill after marathon negotiations

Senior lawmakers and members of the Trump administration early Wednesday came to an agreement on a massive stimulus measure to try to keep Americans whole as the economy shuts down due to the coronavirus. See full story.

Bill Gates on Trump call for quick end to lockdown: It’s tough to tell people ‘keep going to restaurants, go buy new houses, ignore that pile of bodies over in the corner’

Bill Gates told Vox Media during an interview that “it’s very irresponsible for somebody to suggest that we can have the best of both worlds,” referring to mitigating the impact of the deadly pathogen on human lives and keeping the economy whirring normally. See full story.

Are any tech companies immune to the economic damage from coronavirus?

Now that social media companies, once the darlings of Wall Street, are confirming lower ad revenue due to COVID-19, investors are wondering if any companies in tech are immune from the pandemic’s economic damage See full story.

More than a week into its lockdown, Spain longs for the coronavirus to loosen its deadly grip

Spain is about to announce another 15 days of a strict lockdown. About 10 days in, this is how that fight is going. See full story.


‘Wearing the mask makes me feel safer and helps to guard me against coronavirus. It does not interfere with my ability to do my job.’ See full story.