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Did the 2,000-plus-point drop in the Dow Jones Industrial Average cause the White House to blink? Markets are betting on it. See full story.
Italy will need a precautionary bailout — a ‘financial firewall’ — as coronavirus pushes it to the brink
As the human costs of the coronavirus have grown alarmingly, Italy’s crisis could soon become unmanageable, potentially causing mayhem in world financial markets. See full story.
Bond investors say some energy companies ‘will not survive’ oil rout slamming markets
There is around $140 billion of speculative-grade or “junk” bonds outstanding by U.S. energy companies, but the selloff sparked by collapsing oil prices and a spreading coronavirus also threatens to sweep up other industries. See full story.
Influenza kills more people than the coronavirus so everyone is overreacting, right? Wrong — and here’s why
‘This is additive, not in place of. Yes, the flu kills thousands of people every year, but we’re going to have more deaths.’ See full story.
A ‘moment of silence’ for boomers’ 401(k)s: Internet erupts with gallows humor as stock market crumbles
It’s a lot more fun checking your 401(k) during a raging bull market. Then again, reading about other people’s 401(k) accounts during brutal sessions like Monday’s seems to be a favorite pastime for those looking to enjoy a good laugh through the tears. See full story.
The last recession was largely fueled by the foreclosure crisis and the downturn in the housing market. See full story.