NewsWatch: From a U.S. stock surge to a bursting of China’s triple bubble, here are 10 possible shockers for 2020, according to Credit Suisse

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The Credit Suisse global strategy team’s annual surprise predictions include a surge in U.S. stocks and a bursting of the Chinese bubble. See full story.

This U.S. company will benefit as China tries to catch up in semiconductors

In an attempt to reduce dependence on the U.S., China is likely to ramp up its semiconductor manufacturing and design capabilities. See full story.

Jumbo mortgages are haunting the housing market, and things could get really scary

Lenders, mortgage servicers, investors and homeowners should prepare for trouble in the mortgage market, writes Keith Jurow. See full story.

How fund giant Vanguard is misleading investors about a tax on stock trades

A financial-transaction tax would not harm Main Street investors, as Vanguard contends, writes Michael Edesess. See full story.

‘We don’t need to be monogamous with one bank or credit union.’ Why some Americans are hit with more bank fees than others

4 ways to avoid being overcharged by your financial institution. See full story.


Warmer-than-usual weather gave a boost to residential construction across the country. See full story.