Personal Finance Daily: TikTok is the new frontier for financial advice and as a baby boomer, I didn’t grow up with this culture of entitlement — do I have to leave my estate to my children or spouse?

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Happy Monday MarketWatchers. Don’t miss these top stories:

As a baby boomer, I didn’t grow up with this culture of entitlement — do I have to leave my estate to my children or spouse?

‘It seems like lots of people of varying ages seem to believe that they have rights to an inheritance, often by virtue of being a DNA relative and sometimes by virtue of a marriage.’

3 reasons NOT to do your holiday shopping on your smartphone

More Americans are using their mobile devices for online shopping, but there are risks.

Someone paying $120,000 for a banana duct-taped to a wall at Art Basel is the perfect picture of wealth inequality

Art sales and auctions have been setting records, which could be another sign of the wealth gap, according to a Citi report

‘Make eye contact’ — how to help people who are homeless this holiday season (and what NOT to do)

‘Wage inequality, racial inequities and a severe shortage of affordable rental homes leave too many vulnerable people unable to afford their housing.’

New Zealand is one of many popular tourist destinations that have active volcanoes

On any given day, roughly 20 volcanoes are actively erupting around the world.

There’s been a disturbing rise in cellphone injuries over the past 20 years

‘Now people are literally just staring at their screens as they’re walking down Park Avenue.’

The 12 bottles of Christmas

Our annual Weekend Sip guide for the best boozy holiday gifts.

‘It’s NOT fair!’ — after 3 years of marriage, I’ll only inherit 10% of my husband’s $2M estate and the right to live in his home

‘After visiting with his daughter he made a new will with a trust. I also have to pay the expenses, which I probably can’t afford.’

It’s not your imagination — Netflix doesn’t have as many movies as it used to

‘Netflix saw the writing on the wall many years ago, which is why they shifted to focus on original content.’

The newest frontier for financial advice: TikTok

The video-sharing app TikTok is full of silly lip-synch videos, but it also has several accounts aimed at saving you thousands of dollars.

Elsewhere on MarketWatch
Amazon blames Trump’s ‘improper pressure’ for losing $10 billion Pentagon contract

The Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure plan was the $10 billion military computing project that was eventually awarded to Microsoft.

Three things market participants should watch for at the Fed interest-rate meeting

What to watch after the Fed’s interest-rate committee meeting ends at 2 .pm. ET on Wednesday.

FBI didn’t act with bias in Russia probe, report finds

A Justice Department inspector general’s report on Monday said the Federal Bureau of Investigation was justified in opening its probe into ties between Donald Trump’s presidential campaign and Russia and didn’t act with political bias.

As Fed chairman, Paul Volcker made everyone mad

Former Fed Chairman Paul Volcker fought high inflation and made everyone mad

We don’t need to abandon economic growth to solve climate change

There is no reason we cannot have strong economic growth and reduce carbon emissions at the same time. In fact, we must.

Paul Volcker was the last Fed chairman who said no pain, no gain

He stood up to politicians and gave the economy the tough medicine it needed

U.K. elections could be the beginning of the end of the EU

This week’s elections in U.K. could prove to be the beginning of the end for the European Union.

These are the 20 best-performing stocks of the past decade, and some of them will surprise you

Some lesser-known companies have special advantages in their industries.